Haiku Plaque

Haiku Plaque

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Charlie the Unicorn/Going to Oregon!/Binary Code Haiku

Two dumb unicorns,
One pink, one purple, and there's
Charlie the "bummer"

We'er going on a plane
And then driving all over
The place! It'll rock!

one zero one one
zero zero zero one
one one zero one

(^ Binary code is made of 0's and 1's strung together. It's a complicated computer code, I won't pretend to understand it. >.<)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Waffles/Pancakes/French Toast

Do ya like waffle?
Yeah we like waffles! Then stuff
Some in your mouth! Squee!

Do ya like pancakes?
Yeah we like pancakes! Then stuff
Some in your mouth! Yay!

Do ya like French Toast?
Yeah we like French Toast! (do you
See a pattern yet? ^^)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Nightmares/Pointless 2.0/Books

Why do we have to
Have them if they're nothing but
Terrifying things?

Flargin blargin flooor
Gersprech nargoola flerga
This be "Pointless 2"

Ah, my best and only friends
They tell me stories of lost
Love and adventure...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Crunchie/Dolphins/Time, Space, Anti-Matter

Mmm! It's so good with
A honey-combed center and
It's chocolate-coated!

Leaping through the air
With such grace, it's amazing
That they don't have wings!

Three pokemon rule
The three dimensions of time,
Space, and dark matter

Friday, July 23, 2010

Papa's Back!/Sammy's going to be upset.../Bracelets

Yay! Papa is back
From London! I haven't seen
Him for a whole month!

Well, now we're all back
But we're all leaving in a
Week, so he'll be mad!

Maman bought me thread
And an iTouch app on how
To make bracelets. Cool!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dr. Seuss/Buckeye ice cream/Depressed whales

I love all of his
Book, they have a wonder
Sense of fantasy

It's vanilla with
Peanut-butter filled chocolates
And, I think, some fudge

Luca showed me this
Video on YouTube called
"Depressed Whales". Fun!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A place to share all
Sorts of things, from Lego to
Unicorn Charlie

I love what people
Can do to make these things more
Advanced and bigger!

I just love Adam,
Jamie, Tori, Kari, and
Grant and what they do!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More Camp News/Harry Potter/Skittles

Another thing we
Did at camp was hike a lot
Which was confusing

I though it was an
An oceanography camp, not
A "crazy hike" camp!?

Right now we're watching
"The Goblet of Fire" on
The Xbox. It's cool

"Taste the Rainbow." Or
If you're allergic to them
"DON'T Taste the Rainbow."

Monday, July 19, 2010


Hi everyone! I'm
Back from camp and Canada
I missed all of you!

Camp was pretty fun
There was a computer, but
It was limited

Then in Canada
I kept forgetting or there
Was no Internet

Phew! Do you know how
Many haikus I have to
Make up? Twenty-two!